Price Match

Here at Okehampton Golf Shop our aim is to provide unrivalled customer service while giving our customers the piece of mind that they are getting the best deal around. 

We are constantly reviewing our prices to keep them in line with the cheapest around so you can always be sure of getting a great deal.

In the unlikely event that you see one of our products for sale cheaper elsewhere, please do not hesitate to get in touch and let us know. We will always do our best to match or better the price if we can.

To request a price match, please email us at with the subject 'price match' and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

For a price match to be considered, the product must be exactly the same in style, colour, size, year etc and clearly be in stock on the competitors site at the time of the price match request.
If there is a delivery charge included, that will also be taken into account in the price match quote.